President, Investments and Power Generation
Avarga Limited Group
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Mr. Khoo joined the Group in 2012. He is responsible for new investment opportunities, strategic planning as well as managing the Group’s portfolio of assets.
He is also the Managing Director of UPP Power (Myanmar) Limited with responsibility for the Group’s power plant operations in Myanmar. Since 2023, he oversees the Group’s paper manufacturing operations and restructuring in Malaysia as Director of UPP Pulp & Paper (M) Sdn Bhd.
Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Khoo was the Group Editor-in-Chief of The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd, Malaysia’s leading business and financial media company. Mr. Khoo has extensive management and operations experience in Malaysia, especially in the equities research, media and banking sectors. He started his career in Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia and later moved on to equities research in PhileoAllied Securities Sdn. Bhd. and Asia Analytica Sdn. Bhd.
Mr. Khoo holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Melbourne.
Managing Director
UPP Pulp & Paper (M) Sdn Bhd
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Ms. Ng was appointed as Managing Director of UPP Pulp & Paper (M) Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of the Group, on 1 June 2020. She works closely together with the CEO in overseeing the operational and financial management of the Group’s paper manufacturing business.
Ms. Ng joined UPP Pulp & Paper (M) Sdn Bhd in March 2001 and was Senior Finance & Human Resource Manager prior to the appointment. Prior to joining the company, she had working experience in property and audit firms.
Ms. Ng holds a professional accounting qualification by ACCA. She is a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and a Fellow member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants.
Ms. Tai is responsible for the accounting, finance, taxation as well as internal control functions of the Group. Prior to joining the Group in December 2010, Ms. Tai was an Assurance Manager of an international firm of certified public accountants and she has extensive experience in the accounting and auditing profession.
Ms. Tai holds a degree in Accountancy from the University of Putra Malaysia. She is a chartered accountant with the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and member of The Institute of Internal Auditors Singapore.
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